
We can’t summon Dragon Master Magia with Ultimate fusion when using 2 Blue-Eyes Spirit Dragons + the 2 necessary requirements of 1) Blue Eyes Ultimate Dragon and 2) Chaos monster.

Requirements for Dragon Master Magia: “Blue-Eyes Ultimate Dragon” or 3 “Blue-Eyes” monsters + 1 “Chaos” or “Black Luster Soldier” Ritual Monster"

In reputable simulators such as: EDO Pro, YGO Omega, they give you the option of doing it that way, but Master Duel Pro 3 does not. It may conflict B.E. Ultimate Dragon with it being a B.E. Monster so it doesn’t let you fusion summon. In any case, it is correct to be able to fuse 2 Blue Eyes Spirit Dragons (in addition to the mandatory materials: Blue Eyes Ultimate Dragon + Chaos monster), and MDPro3 does NOT let you do this (intended) feature.

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When using the “Ultimate Fusion” fusion to summon the “Dragon Master Magia”, the fusion material has a card name that describes “Blue-Eyes Ultimate Dragon” but not “Blue-Eyes White Dragon”.
Therefore, the fusion material must include the “Blue-Eyes Ultimate Dragon” and cannot use 3 “Blue-Eyes Ultimate Dragon”+1 “Chaos” ritual monster as material to return to the deck for fusion summoning

It CAN! There’s nothing preventing it - and Edo Pro and Ygo Omega would have remove that functionality by now (been 30 days+ so far) if that was the case. MDPro3 indeed is bugged, as the intended use would allow you to use Ultimate Dragon, Chaos Max, as well as 2 Blue Eyes Spirit Dragons. If you want to say this is not possible, then i would direct you to talk to the EDO Pro team, and question THEM maybe, and see what they say.

TLDR: You should read the effect of Ultimate Fusion carefully, as you have clearly misread it. We use same scripts with Omega. If EDO has this issue, you should report this issue to their community with the ruling link.


Hey friend, thanks for the feedback. Here are some general house rules in any YGOPro community, including the simulators you mention:

  • Remember in Yugioh never use a simulator to prove something is right or wrong, include Master Duel (which has a lot of bugs too). The only source of truth is official ruling.
  • YGOPro developers all over the world are working together as we are open-sourced but different teams pull updates in different schedule, which may result in some differences.
  • We work closely with Omega and we share scripts

Sometimes it frustrates us to see individuals who intend to let developers turn against each other. Because DEVELOPERS KNOW EACH OTHER. We offer this service for free and out of passion, we hope at least anyone can uphold a conduct that is respectable and not conflict-driven.


Based on Konami’s official ruling here: https://www.db.yugioh-card.com/yugiohdb/faq_search.action?ope=5&fid=24039&keyword=&tag=-1&request_locale=ja 2

You need at least one " Blue-Eyes White Dragon " or " Blue-Eyes Ultimate Dragon " with the card name as fusion material for ULTIMATE FUSION.

If you read the card effect of ULTIMATE FUSION closely, it explicitly says you need BEWD or BEUD.

You can mix other B.E without BEWD or BEUD using other fusions, but you must need AT LEAST ONE BEWD to mix with other B.E under ULTIMATE FUSION.

I highly doubt EDOPro or Omega has this bug. Especially Omega, because we use the same scripts. I think it is probably you did not test with the same condition. For example, you mixed at least one BEWD as fusion material.

We encounter such feedback once a while (like 2 per month). It is absolutely fine to feel frustrated or weird when seeing such rulings, we can only just fuck konami for such confusing effect wordings


Thank you for response! It would be an amazing gift to me, if you could do me 1 favor please!

I ask of you to open Yugioh Omega, make a deck that contains these cards: Sage with Eyes of Blue, Maiden of White, True Light, Prayers with Eyes of Blue, Ultimate Fusion, Blue-Eyes Chaos Max Dragon, 2x Blue-Eyes White Dragon, Master with eyes of blue, Spirit with Eyes of Blue, Mausoleum of White, 2x Blue-Eyes Spirit Dragon, 2x Blue-Eyes Spirit Ultimate Dragon, Blue-Eyes Ultimate Dragon.

Turn Off deck shuffling, and set your hand to be this: Sage; Chaos Max.(max 2 hand size)

1 NS Sage > Add Maiden > True Light > Prayers > Discard Chaos Max, get Ultimate Fusion + Master, Link Summon using Sage > Add Mausoleum and activate it > NS Master > Add Sage to hand > Mausoleum target Link monster > Link tribute, summon BEWD > Trigger & Summon Maiden > Prayers in GY Equip BEUltimateD to BEWD > Sage in hand Effect Maiden, Maiden trigger > 2x BEWD 2xLv1Tuner on field > Synchro into both Spirit Dragons > Use both effects to go into Spirit Ultimate.

Now we have set the stage. Activate Ultimate Fusion. CHOOSE the (Konami-Made, EdoPro&YgoOmega-Approved, Intended Function) option: Summon using 3 Blue-Eyes Monsters. SELECT Both Blue-Eyes Spirit Dragons as material first, THEN you should see it force you to use Ultimate Dragon and Chaos Max as the last 2 materials. If you see this, I hope it can be fixed in MD Pro, as I see it as the BEST way to play Yugoih that’s ever gonna exist! Thank you for all your hard work!

なお、お問い合わせいただいた内容につきましては、「遊戯王 カードデータベース」の補足情報にも追記しましたので、下記URLをご参考にしていただけますと幸いです。

A mail from KONAMI, which says you can’t do that. I’ve told the EDOPro guys so there may be some fixes for EDOPro later.

Ah, even Konami or fake letter doesn’t know that you CAN do that and there’s NOTHING stopping it. From now on, I’m only trusting YGO Omega and Edo pro, idk how there’s so many people saying this isn’t possible when it literally has nothing preventing it